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Monday 30 March 2015

I’m an Indian and I’m not a Rapist!

After the much drama, BBC finally aired their much awaited documentary ,”India’s Daughter” (although nobody knew about it until it got banned), I’ve been witnessing hate speeches about Indian culture and viral videos where people are laughing on the very issue they believe is “serious” and then blame people when they don’t take their issue seriously. Social Media is heated up with people posting and tweeting against the Indian Culture, and thanking BBC to bring to light the case that shook the capital city. Government’s decision to ban the documentary was opposed. I too saw the documentary. I wasn’t offended, but i was shocked. Shocked because a channel like BBC made a documentary to show the rapist’s perspective and then linked it with the statements from the lawyer to link it with the Indian Culture.
Rape is a heinous crime, and it can not be justified. The problem is, Are we figuring out the real reasons for rape? Or are we running from this job by blaming everything on our Culture because the rapist’s lawyer said so! Not much before the rape incident, every social media activist, blogger, reality tv hosts, Social media celebrities and even real celebrities used to say in one voice, “Nothing is responsible for the rape except the Rapist’s mindset!” BUT, immediately after the BBC documentary the cry was, Indian culture is responsible because the quote was,”Indian culture has no place for women!”

How easily we let a conservative lawyer to change our view on something we call “Serious”. How easily we accepted his statement as the generalized perception of every living and dead male in India. Nothing is causing rape except Indian Culture, not Pathetic Mindset at least! BBC smartly made this documentary to justify the rapist, How come no question was asked from the rapist to embarrass him? BBC is an International Media House, how come it never made any documentary on number of rapes in USA or UK. The thumb rule is, to talk in terms of percentage while comparing statistics. Two persons getting 50 marks and 70 marks respectively cannot be compared unless you have the percentage. India has 21,400 cases of rape every year, and Britain has 15,000 cases. But for an instance compare the population of two. We are over 1.25 Billion, on the other hand UK has 64 million population (2013 Census), Hey BBC, I thought charity begins at Home!

Nirbhaya rape case was a shame for the Capital. It happened. Could it have been prevented? Maybe! Were the culprits found? Yes! Justice served? Yes!
BBC documentary portrayed India as the state of Rapists! I’m not bothered. I’m more bothered about what the people here think. What does Culture means? By definition it is, “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Yes, we have flaws! Yes, we have male dominated society! Yes, we need reforms! No, we donot provoke/justify/seek/promote Rape!
If a specific person came from a specific family, and he learnt to abuse the women in childhood from family, then the family is responsible for the wrong upbringing. We need family reforms. If family had it because the male was drug addict, then the drug addiction is the problem! If it was due to poverty, poverty is the problem. We need employment. Pointing anything on a “Broad” perspective is the way to complicate the problem.
I’ve saved 3 women so far, 1 from domestic violence, 2 from eve-teasers! I’m an indian, so that must be because of the Indian culture, Right?
No, i have been taught the family values to help the needy, not just women! Coming back to nirbhaya case, when the police patrol team found them on the road, how many people came to help? Is it because of the indian culture? I don’t think so.
Leaving this case aside, and talking about Bollywood. Isn’t bollywood responsible for portraying women as “sex objects”? What message do they send to the society when celebrities pour filth on each other publicly? Yes, I’m talking about AIB roast.
I’ve a simple question, wouldn’t there have been protests, if instead of the celebs, politicians have been there?
I know the answer as well as you do! Rape is a heinous crime, no reason, circumstances, set of events can justify that! But the seed lies in tolerance! Tolerate an eve teaser, he might evolve into an abuser, and might turn into a rapist later on!
Tolerating even a hook up request from a stranger is the seed! Tolerating the Friends with benefits offer from “Friends” is the seed! Tolerating an abuse from anyone is the seed! Tolerating a relative touching your baby girl wrongly is the Seed!
One cannot spot the potential rapist, but one can always prevent one! Learn the art of self defense. Women need non-tolerance more than empowerment, because they are already empowered! They have the power to become the president of the state. The day this tolerance decrease, the number of rape cases will go down.
And in the end, to the BBC, Your nation is worse in terms of number of rapes,number of divorces and deteriorating family values, criticize yourself first. Safeguard your daughters first!
Jai Hind!

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