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Wednesday 14 January 2015

If not us, who? If not now, when?

I'm starting my first blog today with this extremely powerful saying in my mind, "If not us, Who? If not now, When?". I'll start with a brief introduction. My name is Jaspreet Singh and i'm a subtle combination of a lot of things, like Photographer, traveler, Motivational Speaker......., and above all The Defense Aspirant! I'm dedicating my first blog to all the SSB Aspirants out there who are trying hard to make it through the SSB interview.

The title of this article contains great depth in itself. It's not just a quote, or perfect line for a sturdy Whatsapp status, and it is definitely not the right thing to consider after fighting with your girlfriend or boyfriend or Both!(Modern zamana hai). But, this according to me, is a mindset, a mindset tuned to run towards success. Achieving or not Achieving Success is a different thing. But you can be very certain that unless you run towards success, you won't get any! 

The success is a journey, not a destination. We need to just set the map and the sails! But most of us are too worried of what might go wrong. They just don't give a glance at what might go right. In this fear, they don't take the first step and make a mindset that they just don't deserve it or just aren't lucky. But from where does this fear come from? People say it comes from previous experiences, but I disagree! This fear does not comes from previous bad experiences, but it comes from the perception of previous experiences we make by thinking about the "bad" over and over again. The glass half empty to pessimist is the glass half full to optimist too! The Fact is "No Failure comes without a Lesson", if you had one then you just missed the Lesson. Only if you take the first step, you'll get the clearer vision of the next step. But to get here, you have to ACT. "The glass is half empty to pessimist and half full to the optimist, and the bloody Opportunist drinks it while the other two are making up their mind." The world is changing rapidly, it is not the conventional world we have read about. The definition of Leadership and success is changing. We don't need just thinkers, we need thinkers willing to act!

You know what you want! Good. You're willing to work! Better. You Work! Perfect. 

You Fail! and you just go back into your shell, saying the bullshit failure story to yourself again and again over the time. Ask yourself this simple question,"What do i do when i fall or slip?". Do you just stay lying there? or Do you get back up and (check if anybody saw you or you got a torn pant)?

That's it. This is it. We get back up. The brave is not who does not fear anything, but he is the one who gets scared to death and still keeps moving forward!

Coming back to the SSB, SSB is not a complicated procedure but people made it complicated by telling the stories to themselves( with added masala). I have seen people making excuses like, "My group sucked", "They didn't let me speak", "It's unfair". , etc etc etc.....! Life is unfair, it has always been, and it'll always be, the "Ideal" exists only in theory (even in chemistry), the moment even a gas tries to be "Ideal" , it no longer exists! These people don't see that in the same batch, in the same conditions, in the same procedure, at the same time, "Someone" got selected! The thing that should be stressed is, "What is the quality that i lack and is in him!" not , "Approach hogi"!

Talking about my batch, we had 150 chaps, 4 got selected, i was one of them, although medical restriction. But the vision is clear, i can see the steps and i'm walking on them.

Just remember that the U in success is "YOU". You have it in you. Just don't lose the sight.

Think....Act....Fail.....Get up.....(Check your pants).....Think.....PLAN.....Act!

P.S: 2 minute to saali maggie bhi nahi banti! 

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