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Thursday 2 April 2015

"My Choice" : Blurred Choice!

Deepika Padukone's "My Choice" stirred a lot of emotions all over the social media. My facebook feed was full of appraisals on the day the video was released.

"Transcript: My body, my mind, my choice To wear the clothes I like; even if my spirit roams naked My choice; to be a size 0 or a size 15 They don’t have a size for my spirit, and never will To use cotton and silk to trap my soul is to believe that you can halt the expansion of the universe Or capture sunlight in the palm of your hand Your mind is caged, let it free My body is not Let it be My choice To marry, or not to marry To have sex before marriage, to have sex out of marriage, or to not have sex My choice To love temporarily, or to lust forever. My choice To love a man, or a woman, or both Remember; you are my choice, I’m not your privilege The bindi on my forehead, the ring on my finger, adding your surname to mine, they’re all ornaments and can be replaced-- My love for you cannot, so treasure that My choice; to come home when I want. Don’t be upset if I come home at 4am . Don’t be fooled if I come home at 6pm, My choice; to have your baby or not To pick you from 7 billion choices or not. So don’t get cocky My pleasure might be your pain My songs, your noise My order, your anarchy Your sins, my virtues. My choices are like my fingerprints They make me unique. I am the tree of the forest I am the snowflake not the snowfall You are the snowflake. Wake up Get out of the shit storm. I choose to empathise. Or to be indifferent I choose to be different I am the universe Infinite in every direction. This is my choice. "

Good, that you're dedicated towards empowering women. My sole problem is, Why are you mis-guiding youth by molding the definition of Women Empowerment?

Women Empowerment as far as i perceive, means strengthening women to provide them the potential to compete with the other sex in all spheres of life, by providing equal opportunity. I'm eager to know how does roaming around naked will help in women empowerment. Why don't you talk about equal opportunity, Why don't you emphasize of education? On the contrary, you talk about "The Choice"!

Miss Deepika, what does a choice means to you? Do you think just making up your mind about something is a choice?
There's a saying, "Anyone can make a choice, what matters is if you made the wise choice."
A choice is when you decide to drink poison, but is it a wise choice!

By "My Choice" nautanki, and applying the laws of equality,which states that equality is for all, Don't you think you gave a great excuse of "their choice" to the people who hide behind blatant excuses. A rapist can say , My choice to rape or not to rape! So can a murderer!

Proudly you said,  "My choice to have sex outside of marriage"! The very western culture that you follow considers infidelity a sin, leave alone the Indian Culture.

No word uttered against the real problems that the women face. No word against dowry, nothing for equal representation, or equal job opportunities, female foeticide, domestic violence, harassment! We understand these things are beyond your IQ level, or I better say, beyond the IQ level of your PR team! No wonder these tactics come just before someone from Bollywood is having their movie released.

It's yout choice to be size 15 or size 50! Indeed! But, who makes this false image of women that you need to be size 15, or you need beauty products, white skin is perfect, pimples are bad! Bollywood! Advertisers! The same people that you work for! Double Standards?

There was an incident when a politician said the same thing about infidelity and there was massive outrage by the people on his statement. But the scenario is different here, The person involved is a celebrity, Elite! How can she be wrong! She's too modern to be wrong!

Measuring Women Empowerment just in terms of freedom of having sex, or the clothes you wear is utter stupidity! There are women who have achieved much more than a bollywood actress can! There are women who rose from poor villages and joined Indian Civil Services by hardwork and will! I don't think they cared about what they wear. Yes, it is their choice and so is yours to make the video, and so is ours to place our perception to people!
There are single moms out there who are working and taking care of their children, that's Women Empowerment!
There are poor girls out there, who are shining brightly to get scholarships to pursue their dream, that's empowerment!
There is Saina Nehwal, making the nation proud on the International Level, that's Empowerment!

If you're so concerned, you're a celebrity, you have the financial back, do something about it and make a difference! Talking about PR, aah yes you got enough of that in that roast!

Cheers to Women out there who are making a difference!

Jai Hind!

P.S: This is a reference to my good friend Swati, who recently made it to the officer cadre of Indian Army fighting against all odds, The humblest! Working selflessly for an NGO in delhi, She made it to the army in her final attempt, fought till the last! and for me, she IS the role model of Women Empowerment!
Good Luck Swati
Proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Well written Jassi bhai, really Swati is a real source of inspiration for all of us
